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By Pastor's Blog

When I read a book or watch a movie, I like it when there is a surprise ending. I love a good thriller or mystery (who-done-it). My wife, Krista, gets annoyed with me when I figure out the ending early on into a movie. I like it when I can’t. I enjoy it when the end is a surprise. As one reads the Book of Ruth, the ending is as much a surprise for us as it was for the original recipients. We discover that Ruth is the grandmother of King David and the foremother of Jesus our Redeemer.

Redemption is commonly understood as the act of purchasing back something previously sold. Redemption is the act of delivering from sin or saving from evil. We discover in the Book of Ruth that the family line of Elimelech and Ruth are redeemed through Ruth’s marriage to a righteous man named Boaz. However, on a broader plain, understanding that Ruth is a foremother of Jesus Christ makes this account a snapshot into the sacred thread weaved throughout the Scriptures leading to our redemption found only in Christ. For Israel, the Book of Ruth speaks of their establishment and redemption as a nation. David’s reign was not merely the result of his shrewd politics or his smart tactics but from divine preservation. For us Christians, the Book of Ruth speaks of how the story of Ruth anticipates, another devoted handmaiden, Mary, who gave birth to Jesus (see: Lk 1:38).

The Bible clearly teaches that everyone needs redemption. Our natural condition was characterized by guilt: “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Rom 3:23). Christ’s redemption has freed us from guilt, being “justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus” (Rom 3:24). We can understand the word redeem to simply mean, “to buy out.” The term in the time of the New Testament was explicitly used about the purchase of a slave’s freedom. The application of this term to Christ’s death on the cross is quite telling. If we are “redeemed,” then our prior condition was one of slavery. God has purchased our freedom, and we are no longer slaves to sin. We are free in Christ. Jesus Christ paid the price of our redemption on the cross. When we choose to follow Him, we enter into a personal relationship with God marked by freedom.

The good news is found in God’s purpose for us. God created us to live in a right loving relationship with Him. Our problem is that our wrongness (sin) keeps us from naturally experiencing this relationship. God’s remedy is that He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to pay for our sin on the cross so that through Him, we may experience the relationship with God for which we have been created. However, our redemption, this gift of salvation, requires a response. We must accept this gift of God, we must believe. A true Christian is a person who has honestly surrendered their life to Christ. They have turned away from his/her sin and placed their faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross and have received the gift of eternal life, God’s extravagant love. We find in John’s Gospel: “To all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God” (John 1:12). These words are just as valid for us today as when John wrote them. We can choose to either receive Christ or reject Him. The choice is ours. Redemption is offered to all of us, but we must choose. I pray you have joined me in choosing to receive Christ our loving Lord and Redeemer.

It is my privilege to be on mission with each of you. Let’s remind one another of the redemption Christ offers and experience in Him. Let’s encourage one another to share the message of freedom in Christ to the world around us. Soli Deo Gloria (Glory to God Alone)!

Believe that God is Able

By Pastor's Blog

Faith, belief, and trust are words that are closely related to one another and are actually synonyms in the Christian experience. We exercise these words daily in our life. For instance, every time you sit in a chair, you are physically demonstrating your belief that the chair can hold you. I have broken a few chairs in my life. I remember, on one occasion, a friend inviting me to take a seat in a flimsy antique chair. I refused. But, after her relentless offer, I succumbed. I sat, and the chair broke. That was a little embarrassing. I have to be honest; still today, I eye up whether I believe a chair can hold me before I sit. This is why I think faith is so difficult at times because we do not want to be let down or embarrassed. For me, it is always a question of trust.

As we look to the Lord, we will exercise faith if we believe God is able. If we have faith that God is able to hold us up, we will act in faith. If we lack this trust in Him, we will avoid him like a flimsy chair. The simple truth is that the life we practically live reveals our level of trust in God.

In Ruth 4:1-12, we discover an amazing example of what it looks like to live in belief that God is able. We find that Ruth, her mother-in-law Naomi, and a man by the name of Boaz trust in God because they believe He is able. They don’t blindly follow God but trust that although they can’t see the future, they know the future is in God’s hands. You see, faith is not blind in the sense of closing our eyes and just jumping off the cliff. No! Faith is taking what we do see and placing it in the hands of a God we don’t see, but believe He is able.

In a genuine sense it is the posture of faith that often times reveals when faith is truly being experienced. Faith is placing your trust in someone, and this is a humble posture. I know there is a God, and I also know that I am not Him. Therefore, I will humbly trust that God is capable of caring for all the details. I have found that God does a fantastic job of being God. He is so trustworthy.

What the account in Ruth teaches us, and I have experienced is that faith has the power to unlock opportunities. As I place my trust in God, the practical response is that I actively walk with Him. In this sense, faith is not passive, but active. What is impressive is that as we exercise faith, our faith grows. You cannot underestimate the posterity of faith. Faith tends to beget faith.

I remember teaching each of my children how to dive. They each embraced it at different degrees. But, all shared this in common – they would not try it until they had seen me do it successfully. This is true, with many faith ventures. People will follow, but first, they need to see examples of faith. I am thankful that God’s Word is filled with examples of faith. Seeing faith in action encourages us to exercise faith.

God is trustworthy. We can believe He is able. We can trust in Him. We can act in faith. Imagine what it would look like for each of us to place our faith, to trust, to believe God is able. We would discover God’s hand on all the ins and outs of life. We would embrace the process of faith, take the humble posture of faith, experience the power of faith, and lay the foundation for the posterity of faith.  However, all of this begins with believing God is able.

I am honored to be on mission with each of you. Let’s encourage one another to act in faith, believing God can handle all the big and small issues of our lives. Let’s experience the power of faith working in and through our life. Let’s see how faith begets faith, not just in our own lives, but in the lives of others as they see our example and are encouraged to join along. Soli Deo Gloria (Glory to God Alone)!

Grab Hold of Unexpected Opportunities

By Pastor's Blog

Throughout my life, I have heard of people who bemoan the lack of opportunities they have been given. I have to ask, what would they have done if the opportunity had presented itself? Would they have been prepared to grab hold of the unexpected opportunity?

I first realized the lesson of grabbing unexpected opportunities when I was in High School. In my High School, Gibbs, I was one of a small group of Christians. Looking back, I realize it was a rough city school. However, I actually enjoyed Gibbs. A few friends and I began to meet at school for prayer. We asked God to give us opportunities to share His love and message with our classmates. One morning one of us said something like: “What would we do if an opportunity presented itself?” This set us on a journey of preparation. We began to study the Bible more intently, sought training and advice. We wanted to be ready when God answered our prayer. Soon opportunities presented themselves through a flood of circumstances. I remember, on one such occasion, a friend Ben, a self-proclaimed Satanist, asked if he could look at my Bible. I marked a passage I thought would intrigue him. Day after day, he would sit in the back of the class and read the passages I marked for him. He began to ask questions. I didn’t always have the answers, but I would find the answers, and we would discuss them. By the way, I am so thankful for the adults who served as leaders in my High School student ministry. They were such a big help. Back to the story… One day we had a study period, and he declared that he was ready to accept Christ. Right in the back of Biology class, Ben gave his heart and life to Jesus Christ. By God’s grace, I was able to grab hold of this unexpected opportunity.

There is an old Latin saying: “Fate rewards the prepared ones.” It is probably better understood as “The fates reward the prepared ones.” Ancient Romans believed that the fates were female personifications of destiny who directed the lives (and deaths) of humans and gods. Now I don’t accept this belief from mythology. But, I do believe that opportunities are more apparent to those who are prepared and that God provides opportunities to those who are prepared.

In Ruth 3:1-18, we discover a passage that beautifully displays the interaction between God and human efforts. God uses Naomi, Ruth’s mother-in-law, to prepare Ruth so that she can seize an opportunity when it presents itself. Now I understand that we are not to step ahead of God, but we are not to lag behind Him either we are called to keep in step with Jesus. When we face unexpected opportunities, we can either become paralyzed by fear of the unknown or step out by faith in what we know to be true of God. Preparation helps us keep in step with Jesus and, therefore, grab hold of unexpected opportunities.

God is at work in the world, but he does not always work by direct intervention, but within the righteous acts of His followers, who grab hold of unexpected opportunities. Preparation is actually a sign of trust. The person preparing is trusting God for an opportunity. In this sense, I don’t see preparation as passive, but I would warn that it is not a guarantee of specific opportunities presenting itself. I will prepare and trust God with the results. I see unexpected opportunities as gifts from God. I want to be ready, and when opportunities present themselves, be prepared to open the gift. Side note, not all opportunities are right or good, but that is a topic for another time. I am speaking of opportunities God allows or places in our path to seize.

Imagine what it would be like for each of us to grab hold of unexpected opportunities in a way that honors God. I am so thankful I was able to do so in the back of my High School Biology class. It radically changed Ben’s life and mine as well. I believe grabbing hold of unexpected opportunities will change us, as well as the world around us. I pray God will help each of us be prepared to see and seize unexpected opportunities.

It is a blessing to be on mission with each of you. Let us encourage one another to intentionally be prepared while praying that God will give us eyes to see and courage to grab hold of unexpected opportunities. We and the world around us will never be the same. Soli Deo Gloria (Glory to God Alone)!

Conduits of God’s Blessing

By Pastor's Blog

When I was in graduate school, my family and I moved into family housing. Family housing was a trailer park, where we bought a trailer. This was a cost-effective venture, but meant that my wife, Krista, and I were responsible for the trailers upkeep. This was fine and good until our hot water heater went out and it was our responsibility to fix it. We had very little money, so paying someone to replace it was not an option. We sifted some cash from our tight budget and were able to purchase the heater. I found a gentleman at the local hardware store who generously offered his counsel, which I took him up on throughout the three visits back to the store that day (plumbing job!). The first miracle was that, after putting it in, it worked. The second miracle came later that day when Krista checked the mail. In the mail, that very day was a letter and check from the missions committee from a church in Michigan where Krista grew up. Inside the letter, the team let us know that they were running a surplus in their budget, and as they prayed, asking God what to do with the excess, the Lord brought us to mind. The check they sent was for the amount we had spent on the hot water heater. Tears flowed from our eyes as we gathered our children and together thanked God for His faithfulness to us.

God brought the miracles and did so through others as conduits of His blessing. A quick glance reveals that the gentleman at the hardware store was used by God to minister to me. I could not have put in the hot water heater without his guidance. The church in Michigan was a conduit of God’s blessing as they sent us a generous gift, not knowing how badly we needed it. The people who had given faithfully to that church were conduits of God’s blessing. Without their generosity, there would not have been a surplus in the missions budget nor the resulting gift to us. God provided these miracles, but, as He often does, He used people to conduits of His blessing.

In Ruth 2:14-23, we discover that the Lord uses a man by the name of Boaz to be a blessing to Ruth and her mother-in-law, Naomi. We find out in this passage that Boaz goes above and beyond the Old Testament Law’s requirement of caring for those in need. In fact, he not only provides Ruth the opportunity to gather the food needed for her and Naomi but made it extremely easy and very productive. Boaz exhibited a kind of generosity modeled after God’s generosity.

I am reminded that you and I may be the only Jesus people will ever see. Therefore, we ought not to simply sit back and pray for others to be blessed, we need to be open for the Lord to use us as an instrument in their blessing. The simple truth is that we are to pray for God’s blessing on others, but we also need to be open to being conduits of God’s blessing for others.

Boaz’s generousness reflects these words from Edward Everett Hale:

“I am only one,

But still, I am one.

I cannot do everything,

But still I can do something;

And because I cannot do everything

I will not refuse to do the something I can do.”

Imagine what our homes, neighborhoods, schools, workplaces – our region would experience as we place ourselves in God’s hands; being used as conduits of His blessing.  I believe miracles would abound, and God would be glorified, we would be blessed, and others would benefit, perhaps in coming to know Christ.

I feel so privileged to serve Christ with each of you. As we seek to know God and make Him know, let us encourage one another to be open to being used by God as conduits of His blessing. God is a miracle working God, and He often uses people like you and me to bring those miracles to others. Soli Deo Gloria (Glory to God alone!)


God is in the Details

By Pastor's Blog

There are certainly times, even seasons of life where I am tempted to ask, “Where is God in all of this?”   I would guess that each and every one of us could relate. It is all too easy to wonder: “Is God in the details?” “Is God’s hand active in our circumstances?”

In Ruth 2:1-13 we find an account where there appears to be one coincidence after another happening in the life of Ruth. Now, a coincidence is an event coming together by chance. The writer is creatively introducing us to the reality that what can appear at first to be a coincidence, really is the providence of God. The world and our lives are not ruled by chance or fate but by God, who lays bare His purposes in redemptive history. We discover that the events unfolding in Ruth’s life are not coincidental, but God’s faithful and effective care and guidance of everything that He has made toward the redemptive end that He has chosen. In short, God is in the details of Ruth’s life even though His workings are not necessarily apparent.

If we were to look back at Ruth chapter one we would discover a life story that is introduced to us at a low point, there was a famine that led a family to leave their homeland in search of the daily necessities. While there, the family was plagued by death leaving Naomi, the matriarch and her two daughters-in-law, widows. They hear the news that the famine was over, and Naomi returns home with one of her daughters-in-law, Ruth. The account leads one to wonder where God is in all the loss and pain. However, out what appears to be hopelessness is a glimmer of hope. These two widows experience what, at a casual glance, seems to be coincidences, but in reality in the loving hand of God in the details of their life.

In one way or another, I think we can all relate to Ruth’s journey, All of us have wondered if God is in the details. Perhaps, you are sitting amid a situation where God’s hand is not evident. You feel alone. I encourage you to take courage. God is working. The things of life are not merely left up to luck. We may not understand the plan, but God has one. We can find rest in Him even in the unknown because God is actively present.

For each of us, it is a good reminder to replace thoughts of coincidence with an understanding of God’s hand always at work. It is good to be reminded to place our whole-self in His capable hands. Take a moment and imagine what it would be like for each of us to believe that God is in the details. I believe that our confidence in the Lord would birth within us the ability to trust God no matter what the circumstances. Think about it…the peace of God would be ours, and the power of God manifested throughout our lives.

It is an honor to be on mission with each of you. Let’s encourage one another to believe that God is always in the details. Let’s be encouraged that as His children He is always with us. Let’s hold on to Jeremiah 29:11: “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” God is in the details, even when we can’t see Him at work and is working for the good of His own. Soli Deo Gloria (Glory to God Alone)!

From Famine to Hope

By Pastor's Blog

It is remarkable how God has woven throughout the whole of Scripture a scarlet thread of redemption. Each book found in the Bible, in one way or another, points to Christ. One book that does this wonderfully is Ruth. Ruth is a story of love, devotion, and redemption.

Each and every one of us has a story. Each of us has a desire to experience love and redemption. Many of us can share how we have found redemption. We could share how God’s story has intersected with our own. What we’ll discover from the story of Ruth is an amazing account of redemption that is both personal and wide reaching.

Ruth’s story occurs during the time of the judges, roughly 1200 – 1020 BC, the time between Joshua’s death and the coronation of Saul. This is one of the darkest periods in Israel’s history, filled with social and religious chaos. Ruth is a positive account in a rather negative era.

We discover an Israelite family; a man, his wife, Naomi, and two sons decide to go to live among the people of Moab due to a famine in Israel. So they leave Bethlehem, their hometown, to live among a people who were traditionally their enemy. Their decision would have been seen as both shameful and dangerous. This family, leave what was familiar for the unfamiliar, the known for the unknown. They were strangers in a strange land.

While in Moab the two sons marry. One marries a woman named Orpah and the other a woman named Ruth. Tragically the man and his two sons die leaving Naomi and her daughters-in-law widows. Two questions are raised. What kind of God is it that cannot keep a single Israelite alive in a foreign but not distant land? And, has God lost control? The author peaks our interest. Indeed God can bring hope to the hopeless, but will He?

Naomi receives word that the famine in her homeland is over, so she plans to return to Bethlehem. She pleads with her daughter-in-law to remain in Moab. Naomi has nothing to offer them. She has no sons to provide them with as husbands. Both daughters-in-law argue with her to allow them to stay. But, Orpah eventually heeds her mother-in-law’s advice and returns to her people. Ruth, however, chooses to remain declaring:

“Do not urge me to leave you or to return from following you. For where you go I will go, and where you lodge I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God my God. 17 Where you die I will die, and there will I be buried. May the Lord do so to me and more also if anything but death parts me from you” (Ruth 1:16-17).

Orpah did the sensible, expected thing, Ruth the extraordinary and unexpected.

The first chapter of Ruth ends with Naomi and Ruth returning to Bethlehem at the beginning of the barley harvest. The chapter begins with a family leaving Bethlehem due to famine and ends with two widows returning during a celebration of an abundant harvest. Amid a gloomy situation shines bright harvest fields and a devoted foreigner, Ruth. The chapter ends by exposing the first, faint rays of dawn on the distant horizon. The chapter leaves us with a glimpse of hope. We are left asking several questions such as: What does God have planned? Will Naomi and Ruth trust in the Lord and find Him faithful?

How about you? Perhaps, you are sitting in a circumstance with questions of your own for God. Let me encourage you, God is in control. There is always hope in the Lord. When God is at work, bitter hopelessness can be the beginning of some surprising good. In the remaining chapters of Ruth, we discover how God uses Ruth’s loyalty to Naomi to orchestrate a beautiful account of redemption for Ruth as well as for each and every one of us. Imagine what God can do in all the circumstances of our life, even the tragic ones. He brings hope to the hopeless and light to even the darkest of situations. The question we must answer, however, is: Will we find our hope in Him?

It is a privilege to be a part of Crosswinds. Let us encourage one another to find our hope in God. He is always in control and is always working. He loves us and is using our story to continue to weave the sacred thread of redemption found throughout the Bible, offered to all in Christ, and being experienced by everyone who places their trust in Him, throughout each of our stories as they intersect with God’s. I pray we will be found resting in His hope for us. Soli Deo Gloria (Glory to God Alone)!


By Pastor's Blog

Over nearly three decades of church ministry, I have become convinced that there is greater health in a church when it is multigenerational than in a single generation church. This does not mean that such a church is easy to lead. The advantage of a multigenerational church is its ability for the experience of an older generation pouring into a younger one as well as the innovation of a younger generation pouring into those older than them. The cross-pollination of ideas and thoughts, when rooted in God’s Word and prayer, while dependent on God’s Spirit, is invigorating to a church as they seek to know God and make Him known.

The challenge of a multigenerational church is that inevitably some people will feel left behind. This is in part due to the reality that a healthy multigenerational church is not multi-focused. In other words, a healthy multi-generational church is not trying to appeal to the vast variety of subcultures in each generation. The healthy multi-generational church understands that they must continually focus on emerging generations in style and practice, which is easy when you are part of the emerging generation, but increasingly difficult when the space between yourself and the emerging generation is growing (I am certainly in that boat). There is also a challenge for the emerging generation to acknowledge their lack of experience and wisely seek those who have journeyed longer on this world with Christ to gain godly insight.

How then can a multigenerational church overcome these challenges and remain healthy? I believe when a church keeps the main thing the main thing any church, including a multigenerational church, can be healthy and flourish in Christ. The main thing is our call to know God and make Him known. When we partner this with a desire to see emerging generations following Jesus, be changed by Christ and committed to His mission, then God is truly honored. This does not mean that a church is not concerned about seeing this happen throughout all generations. They certainly do, but do so understanding that the style and practices of the church need to be culturally relevant to the emerging generation. Churches who do not commit to a unique focus on the emerging generation will eventually find themselves lagging behind the culture, even church culture. This does not mean we abandon what is effective simply for the new, but it does mean we must continually evaluate what we do and make the shifts sooner than later. By the way, cultural relevancy does not mean compromising the truth. God’s truth is timeless, but the way ministry looks is not only adaptable but must be if a church is to remain healthy and flourishing.

I find Psalm 78:4 a key verse for the multigenerational church. It reads: “We will not hide them from their children, but tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord, and his might, and the wonders that he has done.” This verse challenges me to remember that the emerging generation is our opportunity and responsibility to raise them in knowing what it means to belong to Christ and His Church and become the person they have been created to be for God’s glory. This verse may be speaking of biological children, but as we look at the broader teaching of scripture certainly encompasses spiritual parenting as well. It is a great challenge, but when this challenge is met along with keeping the main thing the main thing, it leads to an understanding of the church that releases preference and even comfort to the more significant cause of seeing God’s kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. I believe a healthy multigenerational church is best poised to see this accomplished.

I am honored and thankful to be a part of a church family that has, for well over a century, been a healthy multigenerational church focused on the emerging generation. I pray when Christ returns we will be found continuing to do so. I believe we will. Soli Deo Gloria (Glory to God Alone)!

We Thank God for Our Mothers

By Pastor's Blog

It is hard to believe that just over a year ago my Mom had her homecoming. She passed shortly before Easter 2018. I continue to mourn the interrupted fellowship with her, while joyfully celebrating her being with Christ. In a real sense, heaven seems like an even more welcoming place knowing she is with our Lord. Her positive influence on me still ripples through my life. She was a great mom and grew to be a godly lady.

In the last chapter of Proverbs, a book filled with pithy and memorable sayings encouraging people to pursue wisdom, we discover the words that a mom of a king taught her son. In Proverbs 31:10-31 we find the description of a woman who loves and respects the Lord. These verses speak of a virtuous woman. The reason the king’s mother taught him these words was in the hope that her son would marry such a woman.

The king’s mother knew that her son’s choice of a wife would be a determining influence on his life. She understood that marrying a woman who truly loves the Lord and focusing his affections on her alone would lead to blessing and to not do so would be a decision he would live to regret. It’s hard to overstate the influence of a spouse and the positive influence of a godly lady.

Now it’s important to note that the lady described in Proverbs 31 is an idealized snapshot of a godly woman. You read and think, “she is perfect,” and she is. Remember, this is a mother’s description of the type of woman her son ought to marry. My point in bringing this up is that no one is perfect, but the description does describe the type of person we all ought to desire to be in Christ. The woman described is godly and is someone worth learning from and even emulating. She is someone to follow like Paul, the apostle, who wrote: “imitate me, just as I imitate Christ” (1 Cor 11:1). Paul is not arrogant, but desiring that His walk with the Lord would positively influence others in Christ. It is truly a blessing to have the influence of godly people on our life.

Besides my Mom, I have been honored to have the influence of a few spiritual mothers. Spiritual mothers are those women in my life who have treated me as a spiritual child. They have positively impacted my life for Christ. Ladies like Mrs. Graham, my third grade Sunday school teacher, Ann Bragg and Janet Coates who were married to my Jr. and Sr. high Student Pastors, and Patty Bray my lead pastor’s wife where I served on staff right after college have had a profound impact on my life.

My wife, Krista, is a godly lady. Her love for our family and me is such a blessing. I have learned much from her and benefited greatly from her influence on my life.

There is a verse in Proverbs that reads: “Her children stand and bless her and her husband praises her” (Prov 31:28). Those who know the Proverbs 31 woman best honor her. As I read this verse, I am reminded to honor the women who have made such a positive impact on my life. I am indebted to each of them. Like my Mom, their influence still ripples through my life.

It is my joy to journey with Christ with each of you. I hope you have, like me, had the privilege of godly woman pouring into your life. If so, I hope you will join me in taking the time to honor them by saying thanks. Soli Deo Gloria (Glory to God Alone)!

Living the Abundant Life

By Pastor's Blog

Jesus declared that He had come to give life to the fullest – abundant life (John 10:10). Abundant life is eternal life, an experience that begins the moment we come to Christ and receive Him as Lord and Savior, and goes on throughout eternity. Jesus Himself provides the biblical definition of life –especially eternal life: “And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent” (John 17:3). It’s interesting that this definition makes no mention of length of days, health, prosperity, family, or occupation. As a matter of fact, the only thing it does mention is knowing God, which is key to true abundant life, which is spiritual abundance. The Christian life revolves around, as Peter writes: “Growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18a). This teaches that the abundant life is a continual process of learning, practicing, and maturing, as well as, failing, recovering, adjusting, enduring, and overcoming. We are to know God and make Him known.

There is a fascinating account of a post-resurrection appearance of Christ found in the twenty-fourth chapter of Luke’s Gospel. We discover that two of Christ’s disciples are traveling to Emmaus from Jerusalem on Resurrection Sunday when a Jesus, whom they do not recognize, joins them. Together they walked and discussed the life of Jesus of Nazareth. The disciples are mourning Christ’s death and the death of hope. But, as they travel Jesus explains from the Scriptures all that had just occurred. The Divine Author of the Book explains His work, connected the dots throughout sacred history to the events that had just taken place.

When they reach Emmaus, the Scriptures tell us that Jesus acted as if He were going to continue on, but the disciples ask Jesus to stay with them. In fact, the passage says that they “constrained Him to stay.” He remains and later at supper the disciple’s eyes are opened, and they recognize Him. Jesus had promised that He would show Himself to those who love Him (see: Jn 14:21), and this is precisely what He does on the road to Emmaus. Jesus then vanished, and the two disciples return to Jerusalem where they pronounce to the eleven apostles that the Lord had risen!

The Emmaus road account shows us how the Old Testament and its prophecies point to Jesus. It also provides an evidential appearance of Jesus, which supports the resurrection of Christ. Lastly, the account presents us with a model of the journey Jesus makes with us today, leading us to live the abundant life. Jesus still opens our eyes so we can recognize Him. Jesus still points us to His Word, the Bible. As we study Scripture, we have the privilege of having access to God. The purpose of the Bible is to point to God. Jesus still reveals Himself to us.

The disciples on the road to Emmaus did not expect Christ to show up. They were mourning His death as well as the death of hope. But, once Christ shows up amazing things happen. What catches my attention is what they might have missed if they hadn’t “constrained” Him to stay with them. I believe Jesus would have proceeded and they would have none the wiser of what they missed.

I am challenged to live a life expectant of God showing up. Wondrous things happen when we begin to expect God to show Himself to us. I am also challenged to ask myself one crucial question, “How much of Jesus do I really want?” I realize that it’s not Christ who limits Himself in my life, but me. Our Lord is willing to offer as much of Himself as we want. This means that I get as much of Him as I truly want. I can simply be satisfied with a little of Jesus in my life here and there, or I can receive the fullness of Christ on every step of life’s journey.

I pray that my answer to, “how much of Jesus do you really want” is that I want all He is willing to offer me. I am thankful that in every situation in life, that I have the ultimate source of power and love with me on my Emmaus Road. I merely need to recognize Him, be expectant, and be open to all He has for me. This, at least in part, is what it means to live the abundant life – to know Him and empowered to make Him known.

It’s a privilege to serve our Lord with each of you. Let us ask God to make us ever aware of His presence and encourage each other to live expectant of His workings in and through us. I pray that our answer to, “how much of Jesus we really want,” is as much as He offers us. Soli Deo Gloria (Glory to God Alone)!

Living the Ascended Life

By Pastor's Blog

After the resurrection of Christ, He presented himself on twelve occasions to groups ranging from one to as large as five hundred people. Jesus taught His disciples about God’s kingdom. Forty-days after the resurrection Jesus went with His disciples to Mount Olivet, near Jerusalem. Jesus promised His followers that they soon would receive the Holy Spirit and instructed them to remain in Jerusalem until the Spirit had come. Then, Jesus blessed them and ascended into heaven (see: Luke 24:50-51& Acts 1:9-11).

Just as Jesus’ resurrection was a bodily resurrection, where Jesus had died on the cross and was resurrected on the third day, His ascension was a literal, bodily return to heaven. Those present observed Jesus ascend until a cloud hid him from their view. Two angels appear and promised Jesus would return in the same way they had seen Him go. The ascension of Christ is a remarkable account that is meaningful for all of us.

The ascension is meaningful to us because it signaled the end of His earthly ministry. Jesus had come to “seek and save the lost” (Luke 19:10). Christ came to die for our sins and be resurrected for our salvation. Sin had separated us from God and brought upon us a death sentence. Jesus died in our stead so that we can find new life and spend eternity with Him (see: Romans 4:25 & 6:23). The ascension signifies success in the earthly work of Jesus Christ. He had accomplished what He had come to do.

The ascension is meaningful to us because it symbolized His exaltation by the Father (Ephesians 1:20-23). When the Father received Jesus, He was honored and given a name above all names (Philippians 2:9). Jesus returned to His heavenly glory where He loving serves as our Mediator to the Father (see: 1 Timothy 2:5 & Hebrews 9:15).

The ascension is meaningful to us because it allowed Him to prepare a place for us (see: John 14:2). In John’s Gospel, we discover a conversation Jesus had with His disciples about His leaving them. Jesus tells His disciples that He will be leaving them soon. The disciples are troubled that Jesus is going away. So He encourages them that He is going to prepare a place for them in paradise. Jesus also declares that He would return and take them to be with Him. This promise was not just to those He was directly speaking to, but to all of His followers throughout the ages. Anyone who is in Christ is promised renewal for today and a blessed future with Him for eternity.

Much is spoken in churches about Christ death on the cross and resurrection and rightfully so. These two events radically changed the human predicament and opened the door for all to find salvation and life in Christ. But, unfortunately, little is spoken of the ascension. This is a shame because; the ascension marks Christ finished work in our salvation. It signifies His being accepted by the Father, as well as, the acceptance of all to God who has received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. The ascension also introduces us to the reality of Christ preparing a place for His followers and His promise to return and take us to be with Him for eternity.

I am so grateful to follow Christ with each of you. As we celebrate Christ this Easter season, let’s not forget about His ascension and how meaningful it is to each of us. Because of Christ’s ascension, we can live the ascended life, a life filled with the power and promises of Christ. Jesus as our ascended Lord leaves no doubt about who we are, whose we are, and what we are all about in Him. Just like His first disciples, we are to share His love and message with others as witnesses of our Lord (see: Acts 1:8), so that all will be ready for His return. Soli Deo Gloria (Glory to God Alone)!