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Embracing Evangelism & Discipleship

By February 5, 2024No Comments

Spiritual growth is a continual process of becoming more like Jesus. We discover in 2 Peter 3:18, “ …grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” Here, we find emphasized the importance of continual growth in both grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ for believers. It highlights the ongoing process of spiritual maturity, encouraging Christians to deepen their understanding of God’s grace and to develop a more intimate relationship with Christ. In essence, it underscores the idea that spiritual growth is a lifelong journey marked by an increasing awareness of God’s grace and a deepening knowledge of Christ. This is why I’ve adopted as my definition of a disciple as a person who is saved by Jesus, follows Jesus, is being changed by Jesus, and is on mission with Jesus.

Spiritual growth involves prayer, studying and applying God’s Word, practicing virtues, and seeking a closer connection to God to navigate life’s challenges with faith and resilience. Further, spiritual growth is embodied in our call to share the love and message of Christ with others and our being disciples who make disciples for Christ. Jesus declares, in Matthew 28:19–20, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Simply, the central task of the church (all believers) is to “make disciples of all nations.”

There is no doubt that The Great Commission gives a mandate of evangelism to all believers. Author and theologian Elton Trueblood rightly explained, “Evangelism is not a professional job for a few trained men, but is instead the unrelenting responsibility of every person who belongs to the company of Jesus.” Engaging in evangelism benefits not just the recipient but also our spiritual growth. Sharing our faith requires understanding the gospel message, encouraging us to delve into Scripture, and fostering personal spiritual development. Also, evangelism involves relying on God’s guidance through the Holy Spirit, promoting a dependence on Him. This reliance on God’s guidance deepens our trust in God, contributing to our spiritual maturity. Furthermore, sharing the Gospel allows us to witness the transformative power of our beliefs in the lives of others, reinforcing our own convictions and providing a sense of purpose in our spiritual journey. Therefore, we need to understand that evangelism is not only the responsibility of every believer; it’s a crucial aspect of God’s plan for our spiritual growth.

Not only is evangelism mandated for all believers in The Great Commission, but so is discipleship. Not only is evangelism important to our spiritual growth, but discipleship is, too. Discipleship is nurturing others in their faith journey. Paul writes to his protégé, Timothy, “What you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also” (2 Timothy 2:2). This verse instructs believers to teach biblical teachings to others, who will teach others. We are to make disciples who will make disciples who will make disciples. In fact, within this verse, we discover four generations of disciple makers (Paul, Timothy, faithful believers, and others).

Now, keep in mind that discipleship is not just a calling for a select few; it’s the sacred responsibility of every Christian to invest in the spiritual growth and journey of others, guiding them toward a deeper relationship with Christ. Not only is it our responsibility, but it reinforces our own spiritual growth. Discipleship involves guiding others in their faith journey, but it also significantly contributes to the spiritual growth of the one doing the guiding. Teaching and mentoring others requires understanding our beliefs, leading to a more profound comprehension of God’s Word. Additionally, the act of discipleship encourages the mentor to embody and model Christlike character and love, fostering personal accountability and a commitment to living out one’s faith authentically. Helping others grow spiritually often prompts self-reflection and a continuous effort to align one’s life with the teachings of Christ. Ultimately, discipleship becomes a reciprocal process, benefiting both the mentor and the disciple, as both parties actively participate in the shared journey of spiritual growth and transformation. Therefore, we need to understand that discipleship is not only the responsibility of every believer; it’s a crucial aspect of God’s plan for our spiritual growth.

Evangelist Billy Sunday proclaimed, “Evangelism and discipleship are not two things; they are one thing: making disciples.” Evangelism and discipleship are interconnected in Christianity as they both play crucial roles in the process of spreading and deepening the Christian faith. Evangelism focuses on sharing the message of the Gospel, inviting others to accept Christ, and initiating them into the Christian faith. The discipleship process begins once individuals respond to the evangelistic message and become followers of Christ. Discipleship involves nurturing and guiding new believers in their spiritual journey, helping them grow in their understanding of faith, and encouraging them to live according to Christian principles. Evangelism initiates people into the faith, while discipleship ensures that they continue to grow and mature spiritually. The connection lies in the continuum of introducing individuals to Christ through evangelism and then supporting their ongoing development as committed disciples through intentional teaching, mentorship, and community involvement.

Note that to the world, you might be one person, but to one person, you might be the world. I came across this powerful truth years ago. “I am only one, but still, I am one. I cannot do everything, but still, I can do something, and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something I can do.” When one person invests in another for Christ, it’s not merely a temporal exchange; it’s a profound commitment to eternal significance. Through evangelism and discipleship, the transformative impact echoes through time, fostering spiritual growth not only in the one being poured into but also in the one sharing the love and message of Christ. This shared journey for Christ leaves an indelible mark, shaping destinies and paving the way for an eternal legacy of faith. We must accept that every believer needs to be active in evangelism and discipleship; it’s the responsibility of every believer, and it’s a crucial aspect of God’s plan for our spiritual growth.

Our spiritual journey is like a flame that, when shared, does not diminish but multiplies in brightness. Just as a candle can ignite countless others without losing its own glow, our call to make disciples is an invitation to spread the transformative light of Christ. In igniting the hearts of others, we not only fulfill the Great Commission but stoke the eternal flame of spiritual growth, ensuring that the warmth of discipleship continues to radiate in our lives, the lives of those we touch, and the generations yet to come. Soli Deo Gloria (Glory to God Alone)!